
Legal Requirements To Get A Divorce In Wisconsin

States have the authority to control the divorce process, just like they do with marriage laws and processes. According to Wisconsin’s divorce rules, you must reside for 30 days in the county where you file and for six months in Wisconsin before the court would grant a divorce. Additionally, the divorce decree will not be finalized until 120 days have passed since the court’s notice of service was given. Additionally, Wisconsin accepts “no-fault” divorce on the grounds of “irretrievable breakdown.” The phrase “irreconcilable differences” is used in other states, and this one has a similar meaning. Get help from a Madison divorce attorney.

The divorce laws in the state of Wisconsin are briefly summarised in this article.

Wisconsin Family Laws

Divorce is typically handled differently by states. The table below summarises the key provisions of Wisconsin’s legal divorce legislation.

  • Code Section: Wisconsin Statutes, Sections 767.301 and following
  • Residency prerequisites: you must have lived in the county in which you file for at least 30 days and six months in Wisconsin.
  • Waiting Time: 120 days following the service of the divorce petition’s “No-Fault” grounds
  • Irretrievable breakdown Defences Against Filing for Divorce: The court may recommend counseling and set the case for a rehearing in 30 to 60 days if the parties do not agree that the marriage is irretrievably dissolved and have not been apart for 12 months.

Laws for No-Fault Divorce

As previously mentioned, Wisconsin is one of many states that permits so-called “no-fault” divorces. You must establish any justification for the state to recognize the divorce.

According to Wisconsin law, the cause for divorce is that the marriage is “irretrievably broken,” meaning there is no chance of reconciliation between you and your husband. An annulment or legal separation is another divorce option available in Wisconsin. If you have a family, you should be familiar with Wisconsin’s laws governing child custody as well as those governing suggested amounts for child support and child support.

Get Legal Assistance in Wisconsin for Your Divorce

It can be emotionally and legally challenging to go through a divorce, but you might find that speaking with an attorney will make it easier to cope with the divorce paperwork and your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Suppose you are considering obtaining a divorce or have already started the process. In that case, you might want to speak with an experienced Wisconsin divorce attorney who can address any inquiries regarding the state’s divorce laws and assist you during the divorce procedure.